3 Ways To Make Use Of Grass Clippings
Most consider grass clippings to be a annoyance. A garbage item that has to be bagged up and disposed of. But there are actually many uses that you can use grass clipping for instead of just getting rid of them. So before you decide to dispose of your grass clippings next time you mow here are 3 neat things that you can do to make use of those grass clippings.
Grass Clipping Use #1 – Use For Compost
Grass clippings can be great for use in your compost pile. Combine that with some dry leaves or paper and you’ll have a potent combination. Just make sure to mix it up good so that it combines with whatever you’re mixing it with. It’s good to get a mix going with your compost pile. You can also throw things like egg shells, banana peels, apple cores, and coffee grounds in there to make a even more potent pile.
Grass Clipping Use #2 – Just Leave Them
Although this doesn’t look the best but leaving your grass clippings on the lawn can help your grass grow and be healthy. Being organic matter the grass clippings are going to break down and turn into minerals that the grass can then use (or reuse more like it) for growth. As a matter of fact for some lawns this is a must if your grass is low on minerals and isn’t being fertilized. So you can use the grass clippings for a greener healthier lawn by leaving them there.
Grass Clipping Use #3 – Use Them In Your Garden
What you can also do is put down grass clippings in your garden to help your plants grow. Now you don’t want to use too much, just a little goes far. This clippings will break down enriching the soil of your garden. All you want is to sprinkle the grass clipping around the base of plants in your garden. Just remember not to use too much.
So there you have it 3 uses for grass clippings to help enrich your lawn!
Sam Byrd